Welcome to our Church!
Welcome to Holy Ascension Orthodox Christian Church, the only church of any kind in East Bradford Township. Our parish is made up of a diverse group of peoples from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, who have been raised in the Church or have converted. This is a result of our faith having maintained a continuity that is shared worldwide.
Approximately 260 million Eastern Orthodox Christians come from many historically Christian lands, and include newly evangelized lands: Russia, Georgia and the Middle East; but also in Japan, China, and the Philippines; throughout Europe including Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Cyprus, Germany, France, Poland, Finland; across the British Isles; throughout the African continent including Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa; and across North, Central and South America. There are approximately 1 million Eastern Orthodox Christians in the United States today. Our parish is established under the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (modern day Syria) where St. Luke in the Book of Acts tells us that followers of Christ were called “Christians” for the first time (Acts 11:26).
At Holy Ascension, we worship together, and struggle to fulfill Christ’s commandments together. We gather here in West Chester, and then bring the teachings of the Scriptures from the Church into our homes. As we are shaped through the learning and doing of the Gospel message, our faith and actions are infused with God’s grace toward the acquisition of Holy Spirit, knowledge of truth, and attainment of God’s love unto union with Him and each other (cf. John 16:5-15; 17:20-26, Ephesians 4:1-16).
We hope that you will spend some time reviewing our website content and links, and that you might be edified. You are invited to visit any one of our daily liturgical services, which have been formed through apostolic tradition, and contain common structure and prayers as offered in the early Church. No matter where you are in life, you are invited to God’s house to “come and see” the Christian way of life that has endured the ages. We cherish our rich Orthodox heritage, and are grateful to share the faith maintained in the Eastern Orthodox Church for two millennia.
To learn more about what to expect when you visit our church, see:
Please visit our calendar listing Daily Services, and even add it to your personal calendar.
SATURDAY 5:00pm Vespers (Confessions follow)
SUNDAY 8:30AM Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy, followed by a potluck Agape Meal, Sunday School, and Fellowship
Sunday Bulletins contain the readings and hymns of the day, information about the day's commemorations, upcoming events and other information about the Orthodox faith.
Our Parish Home

"Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou O God"

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