Nativity Fundraiser
“…And this shall be a sign to you…”
In the Fall of 2024 Holy Ascension will be offering a one of a kind Byzantine style indoor nativity scene to donors to raise money for our new sanctuary illustrated below. Nativity sets will be shipped to eligible donors starting in October of 2024.
Donors for this project who donate $319 or more will receive one set, shipped anywhere in the continental United States.
Architectural rendering of our new sanctuary
About the Nativity
When displayed as shown, the set is 28” wide by 16” tall.
This unique high quality 8 piece nativity set is based on Christian nativity art from the Byzantine era. All figures are printed on acrylic with metallic gold halos and walnut stands.
Historical Context of the Scene
Historically Byzantine style nativity scenes, on which this product is based, are unlike those usually displayed in the U.S. which typically involve fewer figures and are depicted with a wood stable. Some of the attributes that in the modern era are now uniquely preserved in the Orthodox Tradition are described below.
The Cave
The stable is in a cave first because Church tradition tells us the stable literally was a cave where today the Church of the Nativity is located. Beyond this, the cave has rich symbolic meaning depicting Christ’s arrival in our fallen world. Unlike earthly kings, Christ is born in the most humble and harsh origins, which also foreshadow his burial and resurrection from a cave.
Within the cave are an ox and a donkey where the ox represents the witness of gentiles and the donkey the witness of Israel.
Mary and Joseph
Joseph is not near Mary, but far to the left and in front of her. Mary’s concerned gaze is toward Joseph where Satan stands between them casting doubt in Joseph’s mind. Joseph’s internal conflict represents the personal struggle of faith all mankind wrestles with concerning the miraculous birth of our Lord.
Baby Jesus
Our Lord is depicted twice in the scene. Once adjacent to his mother in the manger (symbolizing a coffin), and in swaddling clothes that pictorially foreshadow His sacrifice and the wrappings at His death preceding the resurrection. The second depiction is Christ being washed by hand maidens depicting his humanity. Both representations include a halo with letters that translate to “I AM” indicating his divine nature.
Wise Men
The wise men come bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Symbolically, the gift of gold signifies Christ’s kingship, the gift of frankincense signifies His divinity and the gift of myrrh signifies His sacrifice, His death, and resurrection. The Magi’s gifts, therefore, indicate the purpose for which Christ was born: He is the royal king of all (gift of gold) whose kingdom shall have no end.
Furthermore the features of the wise men indicate the different stages of life: youth, middle and old age.
The shepherds are being told of the glorious news of the birth of our Lord by angels directing them toward the stable.